Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I must say, the worst part of work evaluations is the you have to hear what your boss really thinks of you. Next, you are utterly confused about half of what they say. The only plus side about it would be laughing and venting about it later...if only they knew.

These are the comments that stuck out to me so I thought I would share:

I have an average appearance.

- I will not disagree with this statement. I truly do, and there is no helping that. Whether I shower or not, unfortunately my face and hair will remain the same. Although, I'm not sure if it's a curly haired people thing, but I can't wash my hair everyday or else it will get greasy. Oddly enough, I believe most people have the opposite effect with their pelo. However unbecoming it may make me seem, some people do enjoy my greased up monkey look. Here are a couple examples I have from working front desk: 1) I saw a man through the window standing approximately twenty-five to thirty feet from the motel doorway jamming out to music. He was smiling and talking to himself(probably singing). I look at him and he gets the biggest grin on his face. I then smile because I don't know what else to do with myself. He waves, so of course I reciprocate the action. Two minutes later I look and he is heading my way, the grin on his face not fading one bit. I start to freak out on the inside. My coworker just laughs and stands there taking it all in. Once he steps through the door he comes over to my desk area, leans over, and says, "Girl I just have to tell you, you have a beautiful smile! What are you? You gotta be mixed or somethin! What are you?!" I am practically to the point of passing out I am so embarrassed. I let him know that I was Polish and German. His response, "That's that German in you. Man just beautiful. And those eyes...I just had to come over and let you know. Where you from?" I let him know that I was from Minnesota and politely asked him where he was from. Quickly, he says, "Georgia. You ever been to Georgia?" I shook my head no. "You come to Georgia and I'll make you some finger-lickin barbeque." I laughed. I didn't know what else to do. Next he looks at my coworker and shrugs, "You have some pretty eyes too darlin." Nervously she responds with a smile, "No, no I do not." He turns back to me shaking his head with that ginormous grin on his face again saying, "Just beautiful. I had to come over and let you know. You have a nice day now!" Then off he went. 2) Just recently, I was helping an elderly man and his wife. They were in their 70s I believe. After I get done checking them in the wife walks away. As she is walking away her husband puts his hands on mine and leans over the counter. She looks back smiling at her husband as he tells me, "I just had to tell you, you are so beautiful! Now I don't mean to offend you..." I interrupt him with a huge complimentary smile, "No I'm not offended at all! Thank you so much. You just made my day." Again he says, "I just had to let you know." He has the biggest grin on his face as him and his wife leave. I can hardly explain in words how cute that was.
I need to be more outgoing and create more of a drive for myself to do better. I should think more about doing things without being asked to do them. Tasks such as taking out the garbage, or cleaning the windows.

- I felt like my father was sitting down in front of me with a mug of Miller Lite in hand; throwing out the you need to be thinking about your future speech. It's not that I don't have a drive for what I do. I really enjoy my job...most days. I think everyone has those days though. It is purely that I am ready to get the F out of here! There has been so much drama and I have a hard time handling that. It's just not what I am all about. I guess you could say I have had my limit of Medora; met my Medora quota.
- Newsflash; I am one of the few people who refills the Medora guides, repositions the chairs, picks things up off the floor, and vacuums when I see it is neccesary. I have also cleaned the windows. Thank you very much.

I know I shouldn't dwell on my evaluation. This is the last I shall speak of it unless asked. I give up and give in. Some bosses...make you want to punch them in the face...Don't worry, he is aware.

He is a great person...most times. I shouldn't complain because I could have a boss who is legitimately terrible. I accept this.

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