Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mind Over Travel

Looking back I can only name a few of the best biggest decisions that I have made over my lifespan. Currently, I am happy to add another big one to that list. I have decided to study abroad Fall Semester 2013. Now with great news comes great responsibility and frustration. At first, I had no idea where I wanted to study. As of yet I still do not, but I am getting very close.

Ever since I was accepted into Saint Cloud University I knew that I wanted to go abroad. As every semester passed it seemed as though that dream slipped further and further from my grip. When I was a Freshman as well as Sophomore, I had no clue what I wanted to Major in. I figured that since most students go abroad their Sophomore or Junior year that maybe I would halt the study abroad thing for a bit until I knew what I wanted to major in. As the second half of my Sophomore year approached I thought that Business Management was what I "should" get into. After a semester of extinguishing academic pain, I dropped that idea as rapid as if it had bit me in the butt. Again the idea of going abroad rolled even deeper and deeper into the thought of "That's not happening." After a summer of mid-college crisis I introduced myself into classes that I would actually enjoy. This was the rolling out of the red carpet into my Junior year and me walking myself to my major, Travel and Tourism. Eventually the idea of international study started creeping it's way out of the place in my mind that I had tried so hard to keep it contained. 

Now that I am a Senior I know that it's now or never, and if it's never I know that I would regret every bit of that decision. I will not graduate at least until 2014 so it will work out perfect going next fall. So far, I have spoken to a representative of a study abroad agency called Global Links. She has been walking me through everything thus far. Also, I spoke to a Financial Aid consultant at my university and as expected I will be taking out an insane amount for loans. This is nothing new, so might as well get the ball rolling. 

I am more than ecstatic. I just threw the idea out to my mother and she was less than thrilled. Now to brace myself for when I speak to my father. 

Collective Insanity

It has been quite the semester of school so far, let me tell you. Being back from Medora, ND has been wonderful yet sad at the same time. I miss the friends that I made over the summer. Living at home with my parents and younger brother is the same broken record it always has been. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all that my parents are doing for me, but I miss being out on my own. I know it may sounds stupid, but I think I would appreciate them 100% more if I were living in Saint Cloud close to campus and working there.

Once I returned home, my first thought was, "Crap, now what? I'm back at square one. Living with the parents, broke, and jobless." Needless to say, my first item of business was applying anywhere and everywhere I could think of. I started the search online. In Foley there is a Family Dollar store in which my cousin-in-law had referred me to. I applied...or at least attempted to. The online application was definitely a tricky one so I applied in the store. After applying, and a few hurdles, I was hired.

Working at good'ol FD is not what I thought it would be. It's actually very challenging. I know this is good for me, but presently enduring it doesn't shine so brightly for me. At times I feel like a chicken running with my head cut off and I'm always hoping that I am not asking my Assistant Managers or Store Manager too many useless or "dumb" questions. I am human and I do make mistakes. I just wish that as small as the mistakes are, that they would have a proportionate reprimanding and not made out to be as if the FD world is ending. Let's just say that I have been applying elsewhere and keeping my options open. As does any other person who's not looking to work where they currently are for the rest of their life. In a way, it's only up from here.