Tuesday, July 31, 2012

An Apple A Day

I must say, I'm not sure that I believe that whole "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" mumbo jumbo, even though there are probably a few statistics out there that try to prove it true. My motto is and has always been, "I'd rather die happy than have to eat without pleasure." Not that I don't enjoy the occasional apple, because I do. I would just rather eat what I want to eat; not eat what I should and then complain and be bitter about it for the rest of my life.

As you know, I am still in Medora. I have been having bodily issues as of late and I figured that it was about time I get them checked out. I would go into details, but it's girl stuff...usually that's on a need-to-know basis. Trust me, you do not need to know nor do you want to. Your welcome~I'm sparing you the details. I ended up going in for one shot and coming out having undergone blood work and a pelvic ultrasound scheduled for the next day. $500+ later I am completely fine. I must say that makes me a little more uneasy than before I had the results. I'm just not sure what is going on, and neither do the medical professionals.

Hopefully when I am back in my nice warm bed I will be fully functional and not feel so...dysfunctional. 24 more days! At least this time I will not be alone. I have a wonderful friend riding back with me. Thank goodness, because even I get bored with myself after 8 and 1/2 hours.

I feel that one knows it's time to leave when they have countdowns on their phone, iPOD, and Google calendar. That may sound sad, but I am ready. It's not even the fact that I'm missing my Minnesotan friends and family, but more that I only found part of what I was looking for out here. I'm ready to get the other half.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Like it's her birthday

Almost less than 6 weeks until I leave Medora. I must say I have mixed feelings about it. A bit reluctant to say it, I have created a temporary home here. I think I will be sad to leave the people and the aura that surrounds this place. Still, I don't think that I have gotten a full grasp on Medora let alone North Dakota; leaving the feeling of hitting a wall. There's definitely something about it that I cannot put my finger on. Maybe it's the people. That would be my best guess thus far. I have a few close friends that keep me sane and grounded by acting quite the opposite. Without them, my internship would be a dud. What is it about Medora? Us. The people who keep it going everyday. I will have to compare the answer I have now with that of week 13. I feel I may be onto something here.

July 7th, my 21st birthday, could not have come sooner. I had taken four days off to visit one of my best friends in Alexandria. I left Medora on the 6th, Alexandria bound so that I could help the family prepare for her aunt's wedding. This just happened to be on the 7th(MY BIRTHDAY). I was welcomed with open arms and put to work. The day was long not to mention adding in the 6+ hours of driving that I had earlier on. Midnight came around and I was no use to anyone so one celebratory drink, a few decoration set ups, and I was in bed. Then...boom goes the dynamite.

Packed up and getting ready at the hotel I was almost on cloud 9. Finally 21 and nothing was going to let me down, or so I thought. I was assigned the task of getting a sheet from the front desk so that the bride could wrap it around her before she got into the car. They shadily told me they didn't have any and that it would be a while before they could get me one. They also mentioned that it would be an old sheet-rude. My response was quick and thoughtless, "you can bring it to me in the bar then." As I sat down, newlyweds, by one day mind you, and the bride's brother bought me a bloody mary and beer back. The bloody mary was delicious and no problem. The beer on the other hand was trouble.

These were good people who I had no problem laughing and joking around with. I had almost finished the bloody mary and half of the beer when housekeeping brought me the sheet. Right after this the bride's brother went to get me cake. Within two minutes my friend had smoke blowing out of her ears and grabbed the sheet and went back to the room. This did not phase me. I finished the bloody mary and then came my cake. At that moment I thought, if this is the only birthday cake/delight of my day I am going to enjoy every bit of it. I then left to the room realizing I would receive some criticism although I truly did not waste but 2 minutes time to get the sheet to them. None of it mattered because I was still in the clouds.

Next was the wedding. It was a beautiful outdoor ceremony and everyone looked gorgeous. After it was over I gave my congratulations and goodbyes and was off to surprise the family. When I say family, I really only mean my father. One way or another everyone else found out that I was coming home for the night and he was the only one that stayed out of the loop. Now he has seemed a bit off kilter lately so I felt that a surprise visit was a necessity. He was truly happy when I got there, I could tell that it was just what he needed for the time being. Then my mother, sisters, and I enjoyed the night at Mr Jim's Hairball concert. They were good, but there was something about the night itself that had me a bit sad. I think the best part of the night was when I met this guy who got me up closer to the band. He kept coming up to me later on in the evening. We ended up talking for quite some time. He probably made my night. No, he absolutely made my night. I certainly have no expectations of him. Knowing that he has my digits makes me feel semi-embarrassed yet wonder if I will ever see him again. It's a girl thing I guess. The key points of my night were: 1) My mother headbanging 2) The pizza my brother made when we got home 21st 3) Austin(if in fact that was his name). It was such an odd night and it still just kind of puzzles me.

I think the saddest part of the end of the night was that it in fact was ending. Maybe that's where my head was. I was realizing that no matter how much I wanted to stay with my family, I had to go back to Medora. I never got the chance to see my niece and nephews. This was probably the worst part of my trip home. I realize that it may have been a matter of an inconvenient 45 minute drive time round-trip, but 16+ hours of a round-trip is not exactly what I would call convenient for me either. Those kids are such a huge part of my life and with them being so young and me being so far away it kills me everyday that I do not get to see them like I had before I left. I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but not even Kelly Clarkson could get me out of this funk.

Saying goodbye to my father again was tough, but needed to be done. When I got back to Medora, I got exactly what I needed. A great meal and my bestie Sydney. She took me out and it was exactly what I needed to get my mind off of things.

I feel like I have been changing so much. It's hard to keep track of these days. I'm not sure if it's all for the best but I do have the best of intentions.

Now it's not like the men out here are made of gold, but there are a few gems. However, I made a "no-men this summer" promise to myself in hopes of keeping my head on straight. Life has definitely been less stressful but in some ways I feel like my self-promise will backfire. Then the stress, in turn, will catch up to me.

I shall wait and see...