Saturday, March 31, 2012

Running on Fumes

So in the beginning of May I decided to give myself a little present. I figure by the time finals week reaches me, I will be in dire need of a pick-me-up.

These weeks before my self gift have become way more stressful that those before it. I have been working my tail off averaging about 80 hours these past 2 weeks. It's been a bit difficult with school I guess but I have mananged.

Wish me luck!
At this rate I will need it :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Little Catch-up

I do apologize about the long wait since I have posted. Let me catch you up on what has been happening since the beginning of the semester. 

  • In GEOG 460 Brittany and I did get our huge event put together. It took a lot of time and effort, but the end result was a success. Thanks to my family and friends we had over 40 attendees. Thanks Steve, Lori, Tylor, Alex, and Heather~who happened to be scheduled to have her beautiful baby boy the day of. I have made it to every class so far, even when a snowstorm buried my car in the driveway, so the rest of the semester should be a breeze. I believe I have two more events to go to and the rest of my points are in for the class. Meaning I will not have to take the final. Whoop Whoop!
  • GEOG 395 quizzes have continuously proven to be quite difficult for me. Even studying cannot save me from the grade peril that it has already caused my grade in that class. Luckily, we are able to retake every quiz, however there are not the same questions on them~go figure. 
  • GEOG 292 has been pretty laid back thus far. 
  • The exams in GEOG 277 have been really tough. I passed the first one with a B, the itinerary with an A, and the last exam with what I'm pretty sure is the equivalency of a F~but I have not gotten the final grade on that one. This next exam should not be as horrendous as the last. I have been when I can at work, but we will just have to wait and see how that goes.
  • GEOG 144 has been a real slice and I don't think there will be much to worry about it there. As long as I do well on the interview I think I will be fine.
  • I adopted a puppy. She's Shih Tzu, Pomeranian, and Terrier. I received her from the T&T Club President. Mother and Father were not very happy about it. I had originally told them that I found her in a box on the side of the road. Needless to day that story only lasted a couple days before they asked for the real one. After having her for a week, my father and I had "a real good talk" about the pup. We have had her for about 3 months now and that has been about enough after one crazy visit to the ER Vet. I would rather have her be with a family who will be home more often to be with her so we are giving her to my cousin Gina. Good luck!
Whoofta! I think that is about it :) I promise to do better with keeping my posts more up to date...Promise!